Savoring Spring Mornings: A Symphony of Nature’s Awakening

Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite season of year? Why?

Spring, my cherished season, heralds the return of life after the wintry slumber. The world bursts into bloom, and the weather gradually warms. Early mornings are always the best. I enjoy watching nature emerge from its slumber and start a new day. The birds singing in the early springtime morning is my alarm clock. It’s the most beautifully graceful way to wake. The most enchanting part for me is to sit in the morning sunshine, savoring my hot tea, and admiring the sun’s play on the dew-laden grass. The air is cool enough to gently awaken you, yet mild enough to keep you cozyโ€”a striking departure from the wintry mornings of snow, rain, and overcast skies. I enjoy the gradual climb in temperature to the summer equinox when you struggle to keep it cool. I like to walk across the cool ground with my bare feet and feel the earth beneath them. I love the cool, crisp, fresh smell of the air. The first time opening the windows in spring makes the whole house feel cleansed from the stale winter air. Springtime would be perfect if only I could survive the pollen!

morning sunrise with wildlife
Photo by Ahmad on

What’s your favorite season? What do you enjoy most during that season?

Let me know in the comments below!

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