How Important Are Your Thoughts to Your Reality?

woman looking out car window

“What we control, and where we really start to create our reality, is in how we perceive/interpret/think about the events in our life that generate our feelings about those events, and how we subsequently respond with our behavior. No one can choose your thoughts or actions; those are yours alone.”

How Your Thinking Creates Your Reality | Psychology Today Australia

Your thoughts set the tone for your reality. We have all heard this at some point, right? Maybe from the strange neighbor who is always happy no matter what happens to her, or the therapist that just doesn’t understand what’s going on. Your thoughts that you have repeatedly and think to be true become your beliefs. Beliefs are what you use to define your worldview. You then use this lens your brain has constructed to scope out things and events that support your perception of reality. If you tend to be on the depressed side, you’ll easily pick out other depressing events that will strengthen your negative outlook. If you see things in a positive light, you will tend to see a beautiful world full of possibilities.

According to Stanford University, the brain has to interpret what was seen and then process the information which takes about 100 milliseconds. Interestingly, we can see the same thing multiple times and the brain will interpret it differently each time. This might be because we may notice different details each time and depending on the details, we then form a different picture of reality. This is part of the reason why people who witness events happening at the same time as others may have claimed to have seen the events differently. The article goes on to explain how our brains are wired to make predictions about what it expects to come next in a chain of events. This would explain why sometimes we can jump to conclusions before an event plays out.

Our feelings on reality could then be changed based on the brain’s interpretation of reality and our regular thoughts which we chose to allow. We can choose positive thoughts over negativity as we become conscious of our daily thought processes. This seemingly impossible concept could change our lives. If we try to be conscious of our thoughts and interpretations of the events throughout our life, our feelings about those events will then influence our reactions, and behavior towards life and the chaos that comes with it. Reality really is what we make it. Now how do we change those thoughts? I’ll explore that question in another blog!


“Reality” is constructed by your brain. Here’s what that means, and why it matters. | Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute (

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