Self-Care? What Is This Thing You Speak Of?

Mom and toddler walking
Daily writing prompt
How do you practice self-care?

As a mother of an almost two-year-old, I sometimes find it difficult to make the time for a proper self-care routine. I know you’re supposed to carve the time out somewhere but with all of my responsibilities I have little time for myself. Things will happen throughout the day, and I’ll push “me time” back until I deal with the current crisis until it’s bedtime and I’m too exhausted to do anything else. Before having my youngest bundle of joy, I would take the older children to school and do two hours of yoga while I was home alone, tend to my garden of food and flowers, and go on several mile walks. I would have plenty of time to complete any creative endeavors I decided to try like writing, refinishing furniture, and making yard decorations for example.

As I read back what I have written, it sounds like I’m blaming my toddler for the lack of self-care but in reality, since his birth I haven’t felt quite the same and that’s my fault. I haven’t had any energy and gestational diabetes that turned into type 2 didn’t make anything better. I was put on two types of insulin and had to wear a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) for the last two years. I had to push myself super hard to walk after meals especially and shorter yoga sessions when I could get those in, and a lot of the time I would let myself make excuses to skip. Fortunately, Jax likes to go for walks in his stroller so as long as the weather is good, we’ve been trying to focus here since it’s the easiest way to exercise when I’m not feeling as well, and we can stay consistent and get out of the house.

It really amazes me how my body was so unkind after having a child in my mid 30’s compared to my early 20’s. This time around there was no bounce back or getting through with little sleep! It has taken these last two years to adjust. I will find a self-care routine that will work for me, and I will stay as consistent as I can.

Looking back, I wouldn’t have it any other way! This season of life won’t last. My baby will grow into a man, and I won’t remember the struggle of finding time for self-care. For now, my walks with Momma’s baby and meditation during nap time is what I look forward to.

Anyone else find it hard to go back to a self-care routine after having a child or huge change in the family? What did you do to push yourself to get back into it? Did you have a support system to hold you accountable and/or keep you company? Let me know in the comments!

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