I waste the most time during the day…

woman in kitchen
Daily writing prompt
How do you waste the most time every day?

in thought! I could get lost inside my own head. It just never stops, from trying to remember if I put the laundry in the dryer, to trying to figure out dinner for the next week to wondering what my day would look like 150 years ago. Like I said, it never stops! This is why I decided to start writing because I have so much material that I could put on paper to entertain someone for hours! The only problem is getting it from my head to the paper or computer! Inspiration hits at the strangest times! I have so many random notes on my devices (which ever one is closest to take voice notes) that I need to finish. The problem now is trying to make the time with a busy toddler running around all day. His nap time isn’t the same every day anymore so I can’t really plan for that time slot to write. I need to prioritize time for myself without feeling guilty about it or that time for myself is selfish. Why do I feel like that? Have you ever felt this way? Often, when I do set aside time for me, other things come up and it’s easier for me to just do whatever it is instead of delegating it to another family member like the husband or older kids. The other issue is that I have so many things on my me time list that writing becomes the last thing I can get to. ADHD doesn’t help either! I swear if I had a video of me trying to get anything done around the house it would be hilarious. This morning, for example, I started to make coffee and the coffee pot needed cleaned so I washed the dishes in the sink and cleaned the counters and saw blueberries that needed washed, and I remembered I had more produce in the fridge needed cleaned and there were ripe berries on the bushes outside so Jax (my toddler) and I went outside to pick them. When I got the stuff out of the fridge and saw the mess in there, so I started cleaning it out and thought about my coffee and realized I never finished making it! I just stood there in amazement at my torn apart kitchen with 10 projects started and none of them close to being finished. And I was hungry, it was time to make breakfast for the kids, oh and the cast iron wasn’t cleaned last night! I thought I did that but apparently did not. Now I’m standing in my kitchen which is more of a mess than it was before, and I have no idea what to complete first. So, I decided to take a break and write this quick post and admire my chaos. Anyone else have days like this? I keep telling myself that one day I will get organized again, one day…

One response to “I waste the most time during the day…”

  1. This post of yours, though an exhibition of chaos that you go through everyday draws in your reader. You love your chaos and it’s alright to take time out for yourself because you are conscious of needs of your family members as well. Your writing is surely going to be entertaining as you have many ideas. In everyday life: prioritisation works better: you should spend some time on deciding which activities are of highest importance and then allocating time according to their importance will not make you sway while you are trying to accomplish things. And then be happy with whatever the outcome of each day is. Best of luck for your day. 🙂


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