Mindful Living: Embracing Change for a Vibrant Future

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

It’s been a while since I dared dream of where I’d be in ten years. So many things have been going on around me, forcing me to change my current state of being. The amount of stress I was placing on myself was unbearable. The pressure put on me by those I thought loved and cared for me forced me to see who does care about me and my well-being and what needed to change. I could feel my cells aging each day. My immune system decided to scream louder at me that something was amiss. If I didn’t make changes soon, my body would eventually yell at me for letting time pass without change. My future looked sad. But then, a flicker of hope ignited within me, and I decided to take control of my life and health. This was the turning point, the moment I decided to prioritize myself and my well-being.

A few months ago, I revamped my boundaries and what I consider acceptable behavior. I strive to be there for those who I hold dear. I would do anything for them, but no longer accept condescending behavior. I’m no longer pushing those who make me feel terrible to the priority list just because of relationship status, but I’ll meet you where you are. If your vibes are bringing me down too low, bye; I don’t need the help being low. I finally realized that I deserve respect, too. I deserved to have people in my corner who cheered me on and did not use me for what I did for them. I finally took my power back, which was the first step in my healing journey. This change in mindset and setting of boundaries has brought me a profound sense of peace, self-respect, and a renewed sense of purpose.

The second step in my journey was a fascinating exploration of ancient health practices and a deep dive into how things were done before our foods were poisoned. My metabolic state is awful, and I have several common health issues, so I’ve also decided to try a few nutrition products like AG1 and Mud Wtr to boost me in the right direction. It’s been a challenge to remove toxic foods from my family’s diet, especially the dreaded sugar. We all know sugar is a drug, right? It’s terrible for your body, but that’s a topic for another blog! This summer, I have a stack of nutritious recipes to try, so stay tuned for more exciting discoveries.

The next step is getting myself moving again. I have struggled with motivation for a few years and have used every excuse in the book. I push myself to do simple movements daily, like stretching and somatic workouts, at a minimum. I incorporate exercises into cleaning to constantly move throughout the day and stabilize my energy and blood sugar. Consistent movement during the day has also helped my joint pain and stiffness. I also signed up for a daily Kundalini yoga class to get me back into practicing daily. It holds me accountable because I don’t want to waste the money. If you can’t afford to sign up for classes and are more motivated than I am, there are plenty on YouTube for free. I’ve been taking Harmanjot’s courses for a month and a half and feel much better already.

Another change I’ve made is to react less. I’m an emotional person. I feel things deeply. Therefore, I respond more intensely than necessary to everything. The way I react to things is what I experienced during my childhood. The most insignificant event is met with an intense reaction full of emotions and yelling. This cycle is one that’s now broken. When the kids spill something, it’s okay. No one is seriously injured because the drink is now on the floor instead of the cup on the counter. I remember how I felt when I accidentally spilled something as a child and hurried to clean it up in fear of listening to yelling and screaming the rest of the day about how I didn’t pay attention and could’ve prevented the mess. As Jax grows, I have learned to react less to him getting hurt. Kids fall and get many bumps and bruises; that’s childhood. I was in such a stressed state that I would overreact to him bruising his knees or falling outside, and he would freak out about it despite not being hurt. Then I realized it was my fault. I reacted in a way that caused him to freak out over nothing like those before me did during my childhood. This realization has liberated me from unnecessary emotional turmoil, and I hope it inspires you to manage your emotions more effectively.

Breathing, breathing, breathing! It’s the most important bodily function and the simplest way to change your mood instantly. Scientific studies have shown that controlling your breath can lower blood pressure and stop panic attacks. Controlled breathing techniques can lower cortisol levels in the blood and reduce stress. Mindful breathing is vital to a balanced, healthy lifestyle. An easy breathing exercise for a mid-day reset is to breathe in for four seconds, hold, breathe out for eight seconds, hold, and repeat for a few minutes. I used to smoke, then vaped before finally quitting altogether several years ago, but I still have the compulsion to inhale as I would If I were smoking or vaping. I recently found a necklace by Halsa on Amazon that looks like a whistle, but you use it to inhale plain ol’ air, which satisfies that compulsion and promotes deeper conscious breaths. I’ve had it a short time, but already, it’s helped me become more mindful of breathing when I feel anxious or restless. It also serves as a blatant reminder to take breathing breaks throughout the day to reset as many times as needed! Mindful breathing has not only helped me manage my anxiety and stress levels, but it has also improved my focus and overall well-being.

So, where do I see myself in a decade? I see myself continuing to evolve with these practices, gaining experience in healing, finding myself, and connecting to the source. I want to continue to raise my youngest, help with grandchildren, and pass on life skills to newer generations. I want to show them how to live simply and slowly and how much more serene life will be. Going with the flow is also essential because life is full of ups and downs, some of which we don’t personally control. Everything is a vibration, and vibes go up, and they come back down. Both points, positive and negative, make up the entire vibration. Without the positives and negatives, we wouldn’t be who we are. It is important to remember that how we react to events makes the most significant difference. Stop. Breathe. Think. React. One step at a time!

What else will happen in that decade is a tale not yet told. Since making these lifestyle changes, I’m excited to step out of the comfort zone I’ve been in for 30 years! I’m okay with shaking myself down to the foundation and starting over this decade. The next ten years will be my season of growth; watch me bloom! Maybe I’ll write some books or start a business—who knows? I know that change is vital for a positive future because these things are less likely to happen with a negative mindset and lousy health.

What do you do to stay healthy and balanced? Where do you see yourself in a decade? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

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